I am a Chicano artist. I come from the West Side of South Bend, Indiana (Little Mexico). I channel the methods used by important Chicano artists and other political artists by disseminating my messages into the community.
The prints that I create are a satirical commentary on our contemporary society. My work addresses contemporary ideas using printmaking as a traditional medium to expose current social problems.
For centuries, printmakers have been at the center of social protests and revolutions across the world. The general populace obtained access to information via printmakers’ newspapers, flyers and pamphlets. Artists such as Francisco Goya, Honoré Daumier and Jose Guadalupe Posada, and Enrique Chagoya created images that helped drive the protest movements.
These printmakers who came before me inspire my work. My goal is to continue the journey using the visual language to express issues of social concern.
I have received my Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in Printmaking at Indiana University South Bend. I work primarily in relief printing using a black and white palette.